Pan-Canadian Diversion Risk Assessment Tool Introduction

Welcome to the Pan-Canadian Diversion Risk Assessment Tool.

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Goal of the tool

This risk assessment tool is designed to help your hospital identify diversion risk points.

The tool is not intended to be a comprehensive breakdown of all possible risks, in every possible scenario.

Scope of the tool

This risk assessment tool focuses on clinical areas in the hospital, such as the emergency department, critical care, inpatient pharmacy, etc. However, clinical areas requiring procedural sedation and/or anesthesia (e.g., endoscopy suites, labour and delivery, operating suites) are out of scope.

Data Use, Privacy and Confidentiality

Data submitted via this online assessment tool is stored by ISMP Canada. ISMP Canada is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of any information for which it is responsible. Visit ISMP Canada’s privacy policy. More information about how the data will be used is in the User Guide available on the left navigation panel.

More Information

To begin, visit the Quick Start Guide on the left navigation panel.

For more detailed instructions, including how to interpret and use your score, visit the User Guide.

The Reference Guide, available on the navigation panel, provides recommended reading to help address risks identified by the tool.

This tool was developed in collaboration with:

  • The Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (Ontario Branch) (CSHP OB)
  • HumanEra (a research team at the University of Toronto and North York General Hospital), and
  • The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada).

We gratefully acknowledge and thank Becton Dickinson Canada Inc. who provided an educational grant to North York General Hospital to support the creation of a resource that forms the basis of the Pan-Canadian Diversion Risk Assessment Tool.